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Evermotion Challenge 2015


UPDATE 2: See the list of qualified users.

UPDATE 1: Submissions are now officially over. thanks for all participants! We will reveal the winner in the next 7 days.

Evermotion Challenge 2015!

Lofts - big open spaces, crude floor and walls and metal elements. First adopters of post-industrial spaces were usually poor artists occupying abandoned factories in industrial quarters. This kind of interiors give a lot of freedom in arrangement. We want you to unleash your imagination and design a perfect loft, a space that tyou would like to live in. Join Evermotion Challenge 2015!


  • Prizes total worth: €13 870
  • Start: 17th of November
  • End: 26th of January
  • Submit your work by posting new thread in Challenge 2015 forum
  • Post your work in production images and final render till 26th of January
  • Add a strip with your name below final image:


Want to know more? Read on...

Our jury will choose winners according to aesthetics of the project and its  technical  quality. Start of submissions is on 17th  of  November. The contest ends on 26th of January. You should post your work and WIP images no later than on 26th of January.

They will see your work! Our jury:

  • Alex Roman (CG Artist),
  • Ciro Sannino (Official V-Ray Instructor),
  • Jakub Dabrowski (Evermotion CG Artist)
  • Barbara Witkowska (Evermotion CG Artist)
  • Michał Horba (Evermotion CG Artist),
  • Krzysztof "Pendzel" Kundzicz (Evermotion co-owner)

What's in it for me?
Join Evermotion Challenge 2015, show your work to the CG community, experts and employers from all the world. The prizes worth reaches €13 470! The contest starts on 17th of November.

You must submit your final work and a five "work in progress" screenshots till 26th of January.

1st place - prizes worth €6468

  • €1000 in cash from Evermotion
  • 5 EVERMOTION collections of winner's choose
  • RandomControl Arion for 3ds Max or Rhinoceros (contestant's choice) + Arion stand-alone + ArionFX for Photoshop – €885,00 / €1085,00
  • Commercial V-Ray license for a platform of choice worth €750
  • 2 years of Corona Renderer - 3ds Max: FairSaaS License (1 Workstation + 3 Nodes, €579,98)
  • AXYZ Design an(i)ma + 10 compatible human 3d models (total worth €629)
  • Learnvray.com - 5SRW Full Course ($600)
  • Rebusfarm 650 render credits (worth €650)
  • MadCar license (€400)
  • MultiScatter license (€200)
  • 8000 Render Points at RenderBuzz.com (€197)
  • "The Third and The Seventh: From Bits to the Lens" book by Alex Roman (€100)
  • Fox RenderFarm Rendering Credits for €600

2nd place - prizes worth €4198

  • €750 in cash from Evermotion
  • 5 EVERMOTION collections of winner's choose
  • RandomControl Arion stand-alone + ArionFX for Photoshop – €290
  • 1-year V-Ray license for a platform of choice worth €380
  • 1 year of Corona Renderer - 3ds Max: FairSaaS License (1 Workstation + 3 Nodes, €289,99)
  • AXYZ Design an(i)ma + 5 compatible human 3d models (total worth €439)
  • MadCar License (€400)
  • Learnvray.com - Advanced V-Ray Course (330$)
  • Rebusfarm 250 render credits (worth €250)
  • MultiScatter license (€200)
  • 6000 Render Points at RenderBuzz.com (€147,6)
  • "The Third and The Seventh: From Bits to the Lens" book by Alex Roman (€100)
  • Fox RenderFarm Rendering Credits for €250

3rd place - prizes worth €2518

  • €500 in cash from Evermotion
  • 5 EVERMOTION collections of winner's choose
  • RandomControl ArionFX for Photoshop – €95
  • 1-year V-Ray license for a platform of choice worth €380
  • 6 months of Corona Renderer - 3ds Max: FairSaaS License (1 Workstation + 3 Nodes, €144,99)
  • AXYZ Design an(i)ma (total worth €249)
  • Book: "Photography & Rendering with V-Ray" / Author Ciro Sannino / Publisher GC Edizioni ($80)
  • Rebusfarm 100 render credits (worth €100)
  • MultiScatter license (€200)
  • 3000 Render Points at RenderBuzz.com (€73,8)
  • "The Third and The Seventh: From Bits to the Lens" book by Alex Roman (€100)
  • Fox RenderFarm Rendering Credits for €150

Additional awards:

  • 2 x "The Third and The Seventh: From Bits to the Lens" book by Alex Roman
  • 2 x Evermotion collections
  • 3 x 1000 Render Points at RenderBuzz.com

What work should I submit?
The theme of the contest is to create a visual representation of your loft interior. In the contest will be judged both idea and execution of the project.  Unleash your imagination!

I'm in! How to apply?
You need to register or login and make a new thread in this forum thread: Whola Lotta Loft! - Challenge 2015. First you need only to claim your access, but until Evermotion Challenge ends (26th of January 2016), you will have to post a few "Work in Progress" renders and the final work.

You must post at least 5 (five) WIP renders (Work In Progress) in your forum thread before 26th of January, 2016:

  • Concept Sketch or reference photo,
  • Modeling,
  • Texturing,
  • Lighting and Rendering,
  • Post Effects and Composting,

What tools can I use?
Work has to be genereted in 3d software. You can use every 3D software you want, post processing inside Photoshop or other 2D software is allowed. Don't forget to write about software you used in your challenge thread.

Oh boy! Can I have two (or more)?
Sorry, multiple entries are not allowed.

And last but not least...
The work you submit to this Challenge must be your own personal work, groups and companies are not allowed. You can use ready-made 3d models or textures, but you have to give credits for people / companies that have made them. Final submission resolution should be not lower than 1200px (the longest edge).

Show Your skill to the world! Good luck!

Evermotion Team


logo_245_65.jpgAXYZ Design established in 2004 develops state-of-the-art 3D products especially for CG artists, architects and designers, including Metropoly, a line of 3D ready posed and animatable characters, and an(i)ma®, the fastest Stand-Alone character animation software in the industry.


Chaos Group creates physically-based rendering and simulation software for artists and designers. Founded in 1997 in Bulgaria, Chaos Group has devoted the last 18 years to helping artists advance the speed and quality of one of their most important tools. Today, Chaos Group’s photorealistic rendering software, V-Ray®, has become the rendering engine of choice for many high-profile companies and innovators in the visual effects and design industries. Thanks to the great work of the V-Ray community, V-Ray-created designs have become nearly inescapable for everyone with access to a TV, computer, or movie ticket. For more information, please visit www.chaosgroup.com and www.v-ray.com.

corona_logo.jpgCorona Renderer - Corona Renderer is a new high-performance (un)biased photorealistic renderer, available for Autodesk 3ds Max.
We at Corona believe that artists at every level should get top-class tools which are powerful, intuitive, and affordable. That’s how we have designed and built the Corona Renderer. It features an intuitive user interface and unmatched state-of-the-art, fully featured interactive rendering. Corona Renderer delivers predictable, reliable, and physically plausible results with no compromises in quality.
Our mission with Corona Renderer is to liberate users from the technical, unnatural process that rendering was in the past. We are constantly trying to simplify the creative process by removing or hiding any unnecessary technical settings, so artists can focus on their vision.

icube_logo.JPGiCube R&D Group brings together leading  Russian 3d visualisation companies to develop and provide cutting edge and affordable tools for 3D visualisation industry. Our team is made up of highly qualified programmers and 3d artists who work together to bring 3d visualization into a new level. Our recent developments include VRayScatter for Maya, AutoWrinkles, MultiScatter, MadCar, CityTraffic, VRayPattern and SplineLand.

cgworld_logo_245_65_1.jpgLearnvray.com is the only V-Ray Training Center Online, supported by instructors licensed by Chaos Group. Learnvray aims to train real 3d photographers, using V-Ray in structured and methodological way, thanks to the 5SRW method (5-Step Render Workflow). In a short time you will achieve incredible results, please see our student’s gallery. It is available in different languages, English, Spanish, Italian, French, Indonesian, German and Portuguese.
The study cycle completes with the official certification "5SRW for V-Ray", which test the user's ability to work methodically, following a photographic and artistic approach.


Founded in 2007, RAYVISION Inc. (Fox Renderfarm) is one of the world's largest cloud computing and rendering solution providers for both the motion picture and animation industries. With its proprietary multiple patent cloud computing technology, RAYVISION has become one of the leading rendering solution providers with thousands of super powerful computing nodes. The company provides customized platform and infrastructure level services specifically tailored for motion picture and animation companies, with clients in over 40 countries and thousands of projects per year, our Academy Award (Oscar) winning support and great customer experience has earned RAYVISION a great reputation in the industry. In 2015, RAYVISION formed a global strategic partnership with Aliyun (Alibaba Cloud Computing) to provide global visual cloud computing services.

randomcontrol.jpgRandomControl is a team of people who share a passion for computer graphics, 3D technology, and real-time applications. In fact, the core of the R&D team is made of engineers with a life-long relationship with the world of coding and visualization.
As a result of this passion and experience, we are the creators of Arion, our flagship rendering technology. RandomControl is a spanish company located in Madrid.

banner_logo_296x77.jpgRebusfarm - The Rebus Render Farm instantly provides you with 3,000 XEON CPUs to render your animations and still-images.
No matter which 3D-application you're using: Our Render Farm supports them all! We're the only Render Farm that utilizes a system which seamlessly integrates into your 3D software.

renderbuzz_logo296x77.jpgRenderbuzz.com is an easy-to-use rendering service, available 24/7! We support the most popular 3D environments along with the most commonly used plugins! Just create an account, log in and send scene using our wizard available for registered users or by the exporter dedicated to your 3D application. 3D scene is automatically verified and rendering progress can be watched on your own profile or through a mobile application on your phone/tablet (available on GooglePlay)! Don’t hesitate and find us on social media for newest updates!

Ever_Ch_Logo_FBT_240_65.jpgThe Third and The Seventh: From Bits to the Lens synthesizes in 232 pages limited edition book the art and philosophy behind Alex Roman’s “T&S” shortfilm. After more than one year work, Alex can finally bring this unique piece of art that combines 120+ beautifully hi-res CG prints with thoughts, procedures, theoretical principles and his own personal preferences after many years of trial and error condensed into 6 different chapters.   From the initial planning and modeling stage through to the render and post-production stage, touching upon key themes such as lighting and the virtual creation of vegetation. The so-called practical part of the book is based 100% on the VRay rendering engine inside 3dsMax.

Media coverage:

cgrecord_240.pngCG Record - Coputer Graphics online Newspaper



Untitled_slider_00005_1.jpg V-Ray Workshop group.



ejezeta_logo_evermotion_challenge_2015_dark.png Ejezeta.cl